Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Twenty Four

What would you do with an extra 24 hours? I can't possibly imagine why anyone would be interested in my answer to this question, but here it is regardless (this is a practical list, not something like "Go back to Spain and eat paella," stuff I could do here in S.D.) :

2 I would practice the piano; I'm working on Philip Glass piece from "The Hours" and a Yann Tiersen.

2 I would give myself a manicure and pedicure (30 minutes, I already keep things up pretty well) while watching a movie rented from the library with a friend.

3 I would read in bed and fall asleep for an hour.

2 I would go grocery shopping and buy the ingredients to make another recipe out of my Magnolia cookbook (baking time not included).

2 I would lay out in the sun

2 I would go work out even though I would hate the first 15 minutes of it.

3 I would go swimming and diving for coins.

1.5 I would read in the tub and scrub up.

1 I would call a friend and catch up.

2 I would write a stack of letters to everyone and burn a new seasonal CD to enclose.

.5 I would fold all the clothes I'd thrown into my dresser haphazardly.

2 I would go shopping for a new dress.

1 I would color, draw, or paint.

1 comment:

Ashley Chrisman said...

Love Yann Tierson, good pick. Great list!