Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Alternative

I stumbled upon this fantastic collection of indie/alternative Christmas music on Indie Rock Cafe. Some of it's awful, some so bad it's good and some is amazing:
The Friendly Beasts—Sufjan Stevens
Holiday—The Hopefuls
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas—Daphne Loves Derby
The 12 Days of Christmas—Belle & Sebastian

One I haven't seen on the list but I think qualifies is Vampire Weekend's Holiday too.
There's a player on the Web site you can use so you don't have to deal with a separate Windows Media Player opening up in a separate window.

1 comment:

Davenport Dame said...

I absolutely love "The Friendly Beasts" by Sufjan Stevens. It makes me cry because it reminds me of my second grade Christmas concert where I got to sing the verse, "I said the sheep, with curly horns."

It was my one time to shine. Sigh.