Friday, January 15, 2010

One Great Thing Friday

You simply must visit!

Free Rice is a cure for:
a) boredom
b) ignorance in a variety of subjects
c) hunger
d) all the above

Visit and find out. Whatever you do, don't miss the fact that there are a variety of sujects you can answer questions about. My favorites are Spanish, Famous Paintings, Identify Countries on a Map, French, and Italian. There's math too, but I would never...
Free Rice donates a certain number of grains of rice for every correct answer you get—watch the rice collect in the bowl while you learn!

Thanks for introducing me to this site last year, Gina!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I LOVE freerice! My friend Tammy introduced me to it last year. Such a fun way to spend an ENTIRE afternoon. :)